What is the Solihten Institute?
The Solihten Institute (formerly the Samaritan Institute), located in Denver, Colorado, is the international headquarters for a network of 91 professional counseling Centers located across the United States and in Tokyo, Japan. It began in Elkhart, Indiana in 1972 when a physician, two parish pastors, and a seminary professor observed that by working together, ministers, therapists, and physicians were very effective in helping people with stress-related problems. This team approach became the foundation of the Samaritan program which moved to Denver in July of 1983.
Solihten Counseling Centers, of which Sanctuary Counseling Group (SCG) is an example, offer professional counseling, preventive educational programs, and consultation services. Over 600,000 hours of service are provided for children, adults, and families every year; thousands of clergy, congregations, and other organizations are also helped. Solihten Centers promote holistic health: integrating mind, body, spirit, and community. The Centers are supported by 26 denominations and faith traditions and have an active relationship with about 4,000 congregations.
The Solihten Ministry is one of the largest providers of professional counseling in the United States. There are more than 200 Solihten Center offices in cities in the United States and Japan. This growth has been in direct response to the needs of congregations and communities. It is also a tribute to the thousands of people who have realized the importance of having a local Center and who have made the Center a reality through faith and hard work.
Accreditation by the Solihten Institute is a requirement for each Center affiliated with the Solihten Ministry. The goal of the process is to help ensure that affiliated Centers maintain sound organizational structures, efficient management and administration, high-quality clinical processes, careful financial and personnel practices, and professional accountability. On a four year cycle, Centers prepare an extensive self-study, undergo a two day on-site review by an Institute staff member or appointed Center director, and receive a written report on the findings. The careful review and accountability process of accreditation is identified by Center leaders as one of the most helpful aspects of Solihten Institute affiliation.
Clergy & Congregation Care (CCC) program is a research, development, and training effort to help Solihten Centers nationwide serve clergy, congregations, and judicatories by delivering quality education, consultation, counseling and related services.
Ethics in Business Awards programs (EBA) are conducted by Solihten Centers around the country. The purpose is to honor businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community leaders that stand apart in some or all of these ways:
Dedication to corporate social responsibility
Exemplary employment practices
Civic activities and civic mindedness
Environmental concern
Ethical conduct
EBA programs enable Samaritan Centers to serve their communities and raise funds for client assistance. The Solihten Institute offers assistance to Centers that want to start EBA programs.